Current Issue : October - December Volume : 2016 Issue Number : 4 Articles : 5 Articles
This study adopts a triangle subdivision scheme to achieve reversible data embedding. The secret message is embedded into the\nnewly added vertices. The topology of added vertex is constructed by connecting it with the vertices of located triangle. For\nfurther raising the total embedding capacity, a recursive subdivision mechanism, terminated by a given criterion, is employed.\nFinally, a principal component analysis can make the stego model against similarity transformation and vertex/triangle reordering\nattacks. Our proposed algorithm can provide a high and adjustable embedding capacity with reversibility.The experimental results\ndemonstrate the feasibility of our proposed algorithm....
Text information contains important information for video analysis, indexing, and retrieval. Effective and efficient text extraction\nhas been a challenging topic in recent years. Focusing on this issue, a text extraction method for complex video scene is proposed\nin this paper. Multiframe corner matching and heuristic rules are combined together to detect the text region candidates, which\nsolves the issue of Harris corner filtration for complex video scene and also improves the detection accuracy using multiframe\nfusion. Local texture description is then used for similarity evaluation judged by SVM. Experimental results for 4 different types of\n395-frame video images show the effectiveness of the proposed method compared with 5 existing text extraction methods...
Halftone images are commonly printed on books, newspapers, and magazines. How to protect the copyright of these printed\nhalftone images becomes an important issue. Digital watermarking provides a solution for copyright protection. In this paper, we\nwill propose a novel printable watermarking method for dithering halftone images. Based on downsampling and the property of a\ndispersed dithering screen, the method can resist cropping, tampering, and print-and-scan process attacks. In addition, comparing\ntoGuo et al.�s method, the experimental results showthat the proposed method provides higher robustness for the above-mentioned\nattacks and better visual quality in the high-frequency regions of halftone images....
The fast development of image encryption requires performance evaluation metrics. Traditional metrics like entropy do not\nconsider the correlation between local pixel and its neighborhood.These metrics cannot estimate encryption based on image pixel\ncoordinate permutation. A novel effectiveness evaluation metric is proposed in this paper to address the issue.Thecipher text image\nis transformed to bit stream. Then, Poker Test is implemented. The proposed metric considers the neighbor correlations of image\nby neighborhood selection and clip scan. The randomness of the cipher text image is tested by calculating the chi-square test value.\nExperiment results verify the efficiency of the proposed metrics....
Large-scale dynamic relational data\nvisualization has attracted considerable research\nattention recently. We introduce dynamic data\nvisualization into the multimedia domain, and present\nan interactive and scalable system, VideoMap, for\nexploring large-scale video content. A long video or\nmovie has much content; the associations between the\ncontent are complicated. VideoMap uses new visual\nrepresentations to extract meaningful information from\nvideo content. Map-based visualization naturally and\neasily summarizes and reveals important features and\nevents in video. Multi-scale descriptions are used\nto describe the layout and distribution of temporal\ninformation, spatial information, and associations\nbetween video content. Firstly, semantic associations\nare used in which map elements correspond to video\ncontents. Secondly, video contents are visualized\nhierarchically from a large scale to a fine-detailed\nscale. VideoMap uses a small set of sketch gestures to\ninvoke analysis, and automatically completes charts by\nsynthesizing visual representations from the map and\nbinding them to the underlying data. Furthermore,\nVideoMap allows users to use gestures to move and\nresize the view, as when using a map, facilitating\ninteractive exploration. Our experimental evaluation of\nVideoMap demonstrates how the system can assist in\nexploring video content as well as significantly reducing\nbrowsing time when trying to understand and find\nevents of interest....